Economic Science Association Statement of Purpose and Bylaws

The Purpose of the Association

  1. To advance, enhance, or further economics as an observational science through the use of laboratory and field methods of observation and data collection under the control and responsibility of the research investigator, and the development of economic theory and statistical or econometric methods based on such direct observations and data. The Association seeks to foster replicable, clearly documented, empirical work in all subdisciplines of economics, and recognition of the important tasks of data creation, data quality evaluation and empirical description, as well as theory development and testing.
  2. To sponsor annual meetings, small workshop conferences, joint meetings with other societies, and to engage in such other activities that will promote the objectives stated in.


  1. Membership
    1. Any person interested in the advancement of economics as an observational science, as described in the above statement of purpose of the Association, may become a member of this Association.
    2. The Executive Committee at its annual meeting shall determine the membership fee for the following year. The Executive Committee may offer a reduced-rate membership fee. The annual membership fee and concessionary membership fee shall include subscriptions to all official e-journals of the Association.
    3. Every member is entitled to receive announcements and such other materials that the Executive Committee shall specify for circulation to the general membership.
    4. All the members and Officers must abide by the ESA ethical guidelines. If the Executive Committee considers in its reasonable opinion that a member or an Officer has breached the ESA ethical guidelines, then it may decide by a two-thirds majority vote to sanction or terminate this person’s membership or office before the end of its regular term. The member or Officer will be given an opportunity to put his or her case to the Executive Committee before a vote takes place.
  2. Trustees: The Board of Trustees shall be composed of members of the Executive Committee.
  3. Officers and Executive Committee
    1. The Association shall have the following officers: a President with a term of two years who succeeds the following year to Past President with a term of two years; a President-Elect with a term of two years who succeeds the following year to President; a Vice President for the Americas, a Vice President for Europe and Africa, and a Vice President for Asia and the Pacific, each of whom serves a two-year, renewable term; and a Treasurer and a Vice President of Information, each of whom serves a six-year, renewable term.
    2. The Executive Committee shall also include thirteen Other Members. Each shall serve a three-year term, and the terms shall be staggered. Members of the executive committee can serve in the capacity of Other Member for at most one three-year term.
    3. The voting members of the Executive Committee shall consist of the President, the President-Elect, the Past President, the Vice President for Europe and Africa, the Vice President for the Americas, the Vice President for Asia and the Pacific, the Treasurer, the Vice President of Information, and the thirteen Other Members designated in paragraph 2. Editors and Co-Editors of any official journals of the Association and the ESA Ethics Officer shall be ex officio, nonvoting members of the Executive Committee.
    4. For all voting members of the Executive Committee, each regular year in office will begin at the time of the Association's annual meeting or such other time as approved by the Executive Committee.
    5. The Director of Mentoring shall be an ex officio, nonvoting member of the Executive Committee. The Director shall supervise the mentoring programs of junior researchers who are ESA members. The term of the Director of Mentoring is 2 years and is renewable. The Director of Mentoring shall be nominated by the President, with appointment subject to a vote of approval of the majority of the voting members of the Executive Committee.

    6. •The ESA Historian shall be an ex officio, nonvoting member of the Executive Committee. The Historian shall be responsible for supervising the maintenance of ESAs archives and any special projects concerning the history of the ESA. The term of the Historian is 3 years and is renewable. The Historian shall be nominated by the President, with appointment subject to a vote of approval of the majority of the voting members of the Executive Committee.

    7. The ESA Ethics Officer shall be an ex officio, nonvoting member of the Executive Committee. They must be either a current member of the EC or a past ESA Officer. The responsibilities are of the Ethics Officer are those laid out in the ESA’s Ethical Guidelines. The term of the Ethics Officer is 3 years and is renewable. The Ethics Officer shall be nominated by the President, with appointment subject to a vote of approval of the majority of the voting members of the Executive Committee.

  4. Duties of the Officers and Executive Committee
    1. The President of the Association shall preside at all meetings of the Association and the Executive Committee. In the case of their disability, these duties shall devolve upon the Past President, then the President-Elect, then the Vice President for the Americas, the Vice President for Europe and Africa, or the Vice President for Asia and the Pacific (with precedence determined by location of the meeting), then the Treasurer, then the Vice President of Information, in that order.
    2. An Election Committee, consisting of the Past President in the preceding year and two additional members of the Executive Committee, will be appointed by the President. At least two months before the annual meeting the Election Committee will poll the Membership for nominations for all expiring terms of members of the Executive Committee. From these nominations, the Election Committee will propose a limited slate of candidates who are willing to serve, and this slate will be approved by the Executive Committee. The past president shall be responsible for organizing elections. The Membership will select from the slate of candidates.
    3. Subsequently, at a meeting of the members attending the annual meeting of the Association, the President shall present the roster of new officers for their approval.
    4. The President and the relevant regional Vice President shall jointly be responsible for the program for the annual meetings of the years in which they serve, and such other special meetings that are held during the years in which they serve. They may delegate all or any part of this responsibility to any other Association member, as appears appropriate given the character, objectives, or purpose of any particular meeting.
    5. Each Vice President shall keep records for the Association and perform such other duties that the Executive Committee may assign.
    6. The Treasurer shall receive, have custody and disperse the funds of the Association according to directives of the Executive Committee.
    7. The Vice President of Information shall oversee the maintenance of the Web site of the Association, maintain members lists, mailing and emailing lists, supervise message boards, coordinate efforts to retain and recruit members, and perform such other duties as the Executive Committee may assign.
    8. The Executive Committee shall be the governing executive body of the Association. It may adopt any rules or regulations for the conduct of its business which are not inconsistent with these bylaws.
  5. Meetings
    1. Each calendar year there will be one meeting, designated "the annual meeting," at which there will be a meeting of the Executive Committee and a general membership meeting. The meeting will take place in mid-June to mid-July of each year. The President and the relevant regional Vice President will jointly determine the exact time and location of the annual meeting each year. Notice of the time and place and a call for papers shall be mailed to the membership at least three months in advance of the annual meeting. The relevant Vice President and the President shall jointly be responsible for local arrangements, registration, and organization of the scientific program.
    2. Regional conferences may be organized at the discretion of the President but shall not be scheduled at the same approximate time of year as the annual meeting. The President may delegate responsibility for organizing such a meeting to the regional Vice President. All members shall be notified of the location and date of regional meetings at least three months and these meetings will be open to all members. Regional meetings will not include the Executive Committee and members' business meetings.
    3. Special meetings shall be held at such time and place as may be designated by the President or by those to whom the President has delegated responsibility for the program of such meetings.
  6. Provision for Official Association Journals
    1. The President shall be responsible for negotiations with current or prospective publishers about any official journals of the Association and shall do so in consultation with the other officers of the Association. Any formal agreement to publish an official journal of the Association cannot be implemented without a majority vote of approval by the Executive Committee.
    2. The officers of the Association are responsible for nominating editors of its official journals in a timely manner consistent with contractual agreements with the publisher(s) of the journals. Nominations of editors shall not be finalized without a majority vote of approval by the Executive Committee. The vote of the Executive Committee may be conducted by mail ballot
  7. Amendments: Amendments to these bylaws may be made subject to the approval of a two-thirds majority of the Executive Committee, and a simple majority of members in attendance at the annual meeting.

As amended, October 1996

As amended, June 2001

As amended, June 2006

As amended, June 2008

As amended, June 2009

As amended, July 2013

As amended, July 2018

As amended, June 2022